Calling friends and family can sometimes be a very trying experience in Mexico. Whether you are just trying to contact a friend down the road, or family and friends from Canada or the United States. Here is a quick chart summarizing some of the numbers you will need to know to make phone calls – local, long distance, or international.
Something you will have to get used to quickly here, is how numbers sequences are given. Quite often you will hear numbers in pairs: 99 91 23 45 67. I would recommend learning your phone number in Spanish, it will come in quite handy. I practiced saying mine over and over for a few days and now I actually have a hard time telling somebody our number in English!
Dialing Phones in the Yucatan
To: | Prefix Required | Dialing Example |
Landline to Landline in Same City | No prefix, no area code | 123-4567 |
Landline to Cell Phone in Same City | 044 | 044-99-91-234-567 |
Landline to Cell Phone in Different City | 045 | 045-99-91-234-567 |
Landline to Landline in Different City | 01 | 01 (999) 123 4567 |
Cell Phone to Cell Phone in Mexico | None | 999-123-4567 |
Cell Phone to Cell Phone in Different Town | None | 984-123-4567 |
Cell Phone to USA or CANADA Phone | 001 | 001-403-123-4567 |
From USA or CANADA to a Cell Phone in Mexico | 011-52-1 | 011 52 1 999 123 45 67 |